
All Ayurveda treatment is governed by strict procedures, highly individualised treatments and a holistic approach to alleviating the condition.



All Ayurveda treatment is governed by strict procedures, highly individualised treatments and a holistic approach to alleviating the condition. Before comprehensive treatment can commence, the body is put through a comprehensive ritual of pre-purification.


Pre-purification measures, is an intense ritual of purification as dictated by Ayurveda practice

The pre-purification process has specifically prescribed methods to purge the body of toxins in two ways: snehana , oil massage and svedana , sudation. Any Panchakarma treatment requires preparation of the patient before the actual process of the principal treatments can commence.

This is followed by Pradhanakarma , the main purificatory phase of treatment and followed up with Paschat Karma, the rejuvenation phase or post-operative treatment.

Once Purvakarma is completed, there are primarily two kinds of approaches to the Ayurveda treatment of the individual and both are built around holistic healing. Treatments usually require the patient to adapt to lifestyle modifications that will complement the treatment methodologies.

Shamana karma

Palliative Treatment

Shamana is a process that signifies ‘to balance or pacify.’ Samana chikitsa is performed to creat equilibrium inside the body. In conditions that are not chronic or deep rooted in nature, this approach to healing is the preferred option. Treatment includes medication and dietary principles and advice to bring back the body to a balanced state of health.

Shodhana karma/Panchakarma

Elimination of morbid factors.

Panchakarma, five-fold therapy of purification and is highly individualised. It depends on a person’s prakriti, constitution, the presence of dosha imbalances and several other factors. It is a series of bio-purificatory procedures that purges the body and mind of toxins and is essential for healing and rejuvenation. It allows the desired pharmacokinetic effect of medicines administered thereafter. Panchakarma is administered as preventive, curative and rehabilitative treatments.

ayurveda shirodara



Panchakarma, five-fold therapy of purification and is highly individualised. It depends on a person’s prakriti, constitution, the presence of dosha imbalances and several other factors. It is a series of bio-purificatory procedures that purges the body and mind of toxins and is essential for healing and rejuvenation. It allows the desired pharmacokinetic effect of medicines administered thereafter. Panchakarma is administered as preventive, curative and rehabilitative treatments.

Vamana Medical Emesis

Medical emesis is induced by administering medicines as a purificatory procedure in treating kapha disorders.
It is one of the five Pradhana Karma of Panchakarma, used in treating Kaphadisorders.

VirecanaMedicinal Purging

Medicinal purging is the removal of toxins through the rectum and is used as a treatment procedure for pitta imbalance. The purging is achieved by administering medicines.

BasthiRejuvenation through Purging

Basthi, rejuvenation through purging is used to cure disease caused by Vata dosha , whereby medicinal potions are introduced through the anal passage. The therapeutic effects of Basthi have curative effects and rejuvenate almost all tissues of the body.

NasyaNasal Medication

Nasya, nasal medication is administered through the nasal passage, primarily to remove the excess bodily humors that accumulate through the sinus, throat, nose or head areas.

RAKTA MOKSHAEssential Bloodletting

Rakta Moksha, essential bloodletting is the ritual of purification and cleansing of the blood. Bloodletting is a safe and essential part of the treatment protocol for patients with vitiated Pitta dosha or Raktadushya, mixing of excess pitta in the blood.

Paschat Karmarejuvenation phase

This part of Ayurveda treatment is intended to provide care that ensures body and mind rejuvenation. In order to ensure that the body is at its most receptive state for the various treatment, Samsarjana Karma, modulatory diet principles and Rasayana chikitsa, Rejuvenation Therapy are also performed on the individuals.



The biological system to return to homeostasis and to rejuvenate rapidly and also facilities the desired pharmacokinetic effect of medicines administered there after. Panchakarma provides a comprehensive therapy role as a promoter, preventive, curative & rehabilitative procedure.

AbhyangamApplication of sneha dravya

Medicines are applied through mild pressure either locally or all over the body. It improves circulation, provides strength and lubrication to joints and bones, and helps to flush out toxins from the body. Abhyangam improves immunity and body tone besides slowing signs of ageing. It is also useful in helping overcome fatigue and weakness and helps to impart concentration. Regular abhyangam also improves sleep quality.

UdwartanamApplication of herbal powders

Udwartanam is the full body massage, where pressure and massage is applied in opposite direction to that of the hair follicles. Udwartanam strengthens muscle tone, improves skin complexion, exfoliates dead skin cells, reduces excess fat and cholesterol, improves metabolism, and overall well-being of the joints and bones.

Patrapinda sweda (Elakizhi)Sudation through bolus

Pindasweda refers to sudation performed by a specially crafted pinda, bolus, infused with drugs. Patrapindasweda refers to sudation performed with a bundle comprising different types of fresh medicinal leaves along with substances like lemon, medicated powders and medicated oil. The hot bolus is then gently pounded on local areas or all over the body. It is primarily used to reduce pain and inflammation in joints, strengthen bones and bone structure, soothe nerves and improve circulation. It rejuvenates body structures.

Choornapinda sweda (Podikizhi)Therapy using medicated pouches

Specific concoctions of herbal powders are tied into a bolus and warmed on a pan and gently pounded either locally or all over the body. This treatment helps reduce inflammation in joints, alleviate pain, stiffness and spasms in joints and relieve inflammations related to arthritis.

Shastika Pinda Sweda (navarakizhi)Medicated rice therapy

This form of swedana uses shasti, a special kind of rice infused with herbal decoctions and milk. The rice is then tied into a bolus and gently pounded on the entire body to alleviate afflicted joints, muscles and other body parts. It nourishes the musculoskeletal structure, prevents degeneration, and is an effective strengthening therapy that nourishes tissues and rejuvenates the entire body.

Shashtikanna lepanam (Navaratheppu)Full body massage is done with the help of herbal powders

Pasting of a special type of medicated rice pudding on the body of the patient in a peculiar manner. A special variety of rice is cooked and made into paste. This treatment is especially indicated for children and weak patients.

ShirodaraMedicated oil for detoxification

This is an intense detoxification therapy that uses medicated oil. The oil is a careful selection of medicated herbs and is poured over the forehead, from a specific height. Shirodhara is very beneficial in the treatment of neurological, psychological and psychosomatic disorders.

ThakradharaMedicated buttermilk Treatment

Takradhara is a kind of Shirodhara treatment by which medicated buttermilk is poured in a continuous stream over the forehead. The height from which it is poured is pre-determined, as is the duration. This treatment has proven therapeutic effects for conditions such as poor circulation, blood pressure, skin disorders and psychosomatic disorders.

KsheeradharaMedicated milk Treatment

In Ayurveda, medicated milk is used for treating certain specific conditions such as insomnia, excessive body heat, a burning sensation and anxiety. This treatment involves pouring a specific quantity of medicated milk on the forehead, in rhythmic fashion. As with all Dhara treatments, the milk is poured from a specific height and for a stipulated time.

Kaya seka / (Pizhichil)Medicated oil therapy

This treatment involves careful pouring of lukewarm medicated oil all over the body, and focuses on removing toxins through snehana and swedana are achieved simultaneously. Kaya seka is intensive in nature and helps in detoxification, improving skin and muscle tone and suppleness, and slow down signs of ageing. It is especially useful in the treatment of acne, improves blood circulation, builds immunity and makes the skin radiant. It helps in healing fractured bones, improves muscle development and relieves stress and anxiety. This treatment has great efficacy in treating nervous disorders and for patients afflicted with diabetes, paralysis, arthritis and rheumatic disease.

ShirovastiScalp healing

In this method of treatment, medicated oil is applied and retained over the scalp for a stipulated time. Shirovasti is beneficial in treating various neurological and psychological disorders and other allied conditions. It works by stimulating different points of the head and is effective in treating brain related ailments. It nourishes the scalp and improves circulation in the brain, brings about mental calmness and promotes intellect. It also promotes healthy hair growth, nourishes hair roots and addresses sinus disorders. It is widely used to relieve cervical spondylosis, numbness, facial paralysis, dryness of nose and mouth, cataract, deafness, earache and insomnia.

SirolepamStress relief for the head

A specially prepared herbal paste is applied over the head and and retained for a stipulated time. This kind of treatment is known as sirolepam or talapothichil. In addition to providing all the benefits of Shirovasti, it also stimulates endocrine glands and is often used to cure various eye disorders and neuro-muscular conditions. Sirolepam activates the marma, vital points on the head and relieves stress.

AkshitharpanamMedicated ghee treatment

The process of retaining medicated ghee in the eyes for a fixed time period is called akshitarpanam. This procedure provides nourishment to the eyes improves vision, strengthens the nerves and muscle structure around the eyes, revitalises it and relieves strain.

PICHUTreatment for localised areas

Medicated oil is applied and retained on the affected area. Predominantly used to pacify vata imbalances, pichu relieves spasm, stiffness and is ideal to help Musculo-skeletal conditions and as a regenerative treatment.

External vasthiWarm oil treatment

This procedure uses warm oil applied to specific areas like Kati, low back, greeva, neck, janu, knees, uras, chest for a stipulated duration. The treatment is predominantly used to relieve and cure pain in these areas. It is very effective in conditions such as inter-vertabral disc prolapse, arthritis, spondylitis and other associated disorders. It improves flexibility and movement, soothes nerves and joints, relieves deep seated structures, nourishes joints and alleviates pain.

AnjanamEye therapy

Dosha in the eyes can be alleviated using Anjanam, a method by which medicated paste or collyrium is applied inside the eyelids and over the eye. This is done during specific times during the day and helps to cleanse the eye and treat specific eye disorders.

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